I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind.  If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it.  We do not write to be understood; we write to understand.


Cecil Day-Lewis
[easyazon_link identifier=”B0089XLFS6″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]Awakened Mind[/easyazon_link]
Page 50
David Kundtz


I love that I have so many resources for Wisdom and Life.  There is seldom a time I’m at a loss for what to discuss at this blog.  What writer’s block?  At least with Wisdom and Life that is.  My other two blogs I sometimes have a challenge with.


The above passage by Cecil Day-Lewis resonated with me the moment I opened Awakened Mind to page 50 and read the quote.  I’m sure those of you who call yourself writers can also connect with what Lewis is saying here.  Clearly, when I wrote fiction, I wrote to understand.  I wrote to release the negative.  I wrote to lighten my load.  I wrote to understand what caused me stress.  I can’t say all the writing I produced helped me understand.  It did however, help me get past the challenges I faced while growing up.  So in that respect, I suppose writing DID help me understand.  Now after over twenty years of NOT writing fiction and as I call my writing now:
Short little bursts of inspiration, I’m still writing to understand.  Only now I’m doing my best to understand my place in this spiritual world.


I stopped writing fiction as many of my longtime readers here are aware, because I lost interest in what I was writing.  What was it that I wrote?  Mostly dark fantasy.  I think the reason I gravitated to that genre is that I went through a dark time when I wrote fiction.  You know what they say?  That we naturally gravitate toward what we know.


Now as I look back at when I stopped writing, it was around the time I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University.  I finally found a job that fulfilled me:
Working at RJ Julia Booksellers doing what I was meant to do, being a book advisor.  And fulfilling my prophecy of working full time at my local library doing the same thing.


I no longer needed the darkness around me because I no longer felt the darkness around me.  I pulled myself out of the dark hole and started to see light, started to see the positive.  A number of years later I felt so much light, so much positive energy around me that I had to share it.  That’s when Wisdom and Life was born.


Funny.  It took until this very moment as I sit here pounding out these words on my keyboard for me to understand the relationship between my writing THEN and my writing NOW.
That even THAT is connected.  That I wrote dark fiction because I was in a dark place and now I write positive life affirming content because I found the light.


So as it turns out, this column wound up being prescient.  I’m still writing to understand.


Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.



Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;


We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

1 Comment

  1. Jean Wise

    Certainly agree with you Chris. I write for clarity and to hear my self and God over the noise of the world.

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