One of the challenges with Law of Attraction is when you REALLY begin to understand what it says and what it can do for you is you learn to be VERY specific when asking for something.  You’ve heard the adage:
Ask and ye Shall Receive


[easyazon_link identifier=”1503165000″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]The Monkey’s Paw[/easyazon_link]


That is a Biblical reference that has been assumed by Law of Attraction.  The more specific you are, the more information you give, when making your request, the greater the opportunity you will have to receive everything you want.  Before putting your wish “out there” so to speak, make sure you think of EVERY contingency, make sure you’ve thought about EVERY feature you want.  That can be a challenging undertaking, but unless you think through your desire clearly, you will surely come away with something less than what you asked for.


Whether you’re looking for a romantic relationship.
Whether you’re looking for a job or career.
Whether you’re looking for a place to live.


Make sure you think long and hard about EVERYTHING you want:
In a relationship:
Do you want long term
Do you want to be exclusive and monogamous in time?
Long term and exclusive are two ENTIRELY separate traits.


If you ask for long term and THINK you are asking for monogamous, think again.  If you want an exclusive and monogamous relationship, then ask for that.  Write down EVERYTHING you want and be as specific as possible.  Don’t put ANYTHING “out there” that you don’t want.  The more specific you are the more you will receive.


Take it from personal experience.  I didn’t realize this until I came in contact with Law of Attraction, however, EVERY relationship I’ve had has come to me as a result of my asking for EXACTLY what I wanted.  And I ALWAYS received EXACTLY what I asked for.  I’ve left out key points each time I put the request “out there.”


When looking for a home:
Do the same thing:
Be as specific as possible.
Write down EVERYTHING you want.


I have a friend who looked for a house several years ago and did this.
She found the EXACT house she described while writing down her wants.


The lesson I’ve learned when making requests, when asking for gifts, when seeking what I want:
Be as SPECIFIC as possible when asking the Universe/God/The Divine for ANYTHING.



Because the LAST thing I want is for what happened in W.W. Jacobs Story:
The Monkey’s Paw.


The definitive:
Better make sure you’re as specific as possible when asking for ANYTHING.
Be careful what you ask for because you just may receive it.


Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.



Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;


We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.


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