Alright. This column is a little off topic. But I think if you read on you’ll see the connections to this blog. Peace in our Time This spring 2013, I read a book about President Kennedy’s assassination called JFK and the Unspeakable. […]
Jacob Perillo over on Google+ recently posted content on balance Balance is extremely important. So important as a matter of fact that I’ve written about it here before in Seeking Balance. Why is balance so important in our lives? Let me give […]
I’m sure you’ve all heard of people who can sense energy around people and places; those who can see auras, the ring of light around someone. My friend, Susan Deborah on Google+ recently wrote a column at her blog called: A beauty so touching […]
I’ve recently been mentioning my G+ friends at Wisdom and Life frequently. I spend all of my social media time on that one platform and as a result I’ve curated many followers there. I’d like to consider the people I tag from […]
I know what you’re thinking after reading the title of this latest column: What does diet have to with Wisdom and Life? This column is not without precedence here as I’ve written about Health and Fitness here in the past. Diet […]
My circles on G+ have been exploding in the past week and I think it’s because I’ve been included in a few public circle shares. One from Christine DeGraff, that has been shared multiple times and one from another G+er, Johnny Wood, […]
A fellow G+er, Nicole Grimshaw in my circles inspired this column today. On Monday, she wrote an update to her blog New Project, in which she laid out her plans to finish writing her E-book discussing the relationship between Christ consciousness and […]
I’ve mentioned my obsession with Pompeii previously at Wisdom and Life. A few days ago on Sunday, July 14, a G+ friend, Tina Gray tagged me. She mentioned a song by Bastille called Pompeii and it got me thinking about the city […]
On Friday, May 24, 2013 my friend from Google+, Jerry Ho posted this image: How many times have you looked up at clock, pulled out your phone or for those of you who still wear watches glanced at your wrist to see […]
Saw this video the other day on G+: [youtube=] A short snippet of a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace, I saw it originally in my stream shared my Martin Holmes. The video speaks for itself so I will only add that […]