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[easyazon_link identifier=”0765308703″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]What Dreams May Come[/easyazon_link]
Richard Matheson


This is one book that MUST be read by EVERYONE on this journey we call life.  It will forever change your life and your perspective on death if you are open to it.


I read Richard Matheson’s [easyazon_link identifier=”0765308703″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]What Dreams May Come[/easyazon_link] originally in the early 1990s and the book had such an impact on me that it changed my entire perspective on Life and Death. There have not been too many books that have had such life altering experiences for me.  What Dreams May Come is on a very short list of such books. This book should be on EVERYONE’S shortlist of books to read in their lifetime.


To show what an impact What Dreams… has had on me simply click Richard Matheson to see how often I’ve discussed this book at Wisdom and Life.


A movie of the same name based on the book is available on DVD:
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00007GZR5″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]What Dreams May Come[/easyazon_link]
and though I don’t usually recommend both book and movie, this is that rare exception where both can be viewed separately and neither one takes away anything from the other.


The book is based on years of research by the author.  In fact so much went into this book that there is an extensive bibliography in the back of What Dreams May Come.  Matheson says in his foreword that he doesn’t expect us as readers to read every book that he used, however he DOES say that if we chose to we’d come away with a new perspective just as I did.


The book begins with a knock on the door of someone.  Chris Neilson has passed and he has been communicating with a medium.  It is said medium who knocks on Chris’s brother’s door and insists on giving him the notes from said conversations.


This is where the book begins.  Through this manuscript, Chris attempts to reach out to his brother, doing his best to explain that there is indeed a survival after death, that the soul does carry on, that at some point, we can choose to return to earthly bodies. Yes!  I’m referring to reincarnation.


Ostensibly, in What Dreams May Come is where I first saw this topic and really delved deeply into it.  I’ve read this book several times; one of only a handful of books I’ve read more than once.  Each time I read it I come away with a deeper insight.


What Dreams May Come is a MUST read!
It is a book that MUST be read by ALL of humankind.

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;

We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

2 thoughts on “What Dreams May Come –Book Review

  1. Martha Orlando

    Sounds intriguing, Chris! Thanks and blessings!

  2. Lee

    I have real memories from an existence before i was born and also of the selection of this life and the journey of moving into and through collapsing dimensions to arrive here on this earth and in my present body. I remember making myself inside my mom and being born and of being circumcised, thinking then that i would die and return to the place i came from. I know for a fact that this book shows the reality of our existence. God is man’s invention; the multiverse does not work the way our religions teach. Pay attention and you may find truth and enlightenment from the wisdom in Richard Matheson’s book, “What Dreams May Come.”

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