We Are All Mirrors for Each Other.
People you feel drawn to reflect your inner self back at you,
and you act as a mirror for them as well.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Wednesday I wrote about my Bloglings, the three bloggers I’ve become friends with since I started blogging.  Today, let me talk about three people I know personally who are also on a similar road that I’m on.  My friend, Ron who owns a spiritual wholistic center, Pete who has deep spiritual roots as well and my BEST friend.

These three people like my bloglings, each fulfill different needs in my life; and like my bloglings, they each reflect their own personalities back to me.  Ron and Pete travel similar paths and they both promote similar exhibits.  Pete has a place in Madison, Connecticut he calls The Buddha Barn, where he holds:

  • Live Music
  • Lectures & Discussions
  • Comedy Shows
  • Conscious Gatherings

In much the same way, my friend Ron holds events at his gathering place called The Avant Garde Spa and Salon.  I’ve found that Ron and Pete both have similar traits that I have and now that I’ve become more steeped in this paradigm I’m finding that I’m being drawn to people who reflect the same traits.

How do people come together?  I wrote about this last October 12 in an entry called:
Life’s Questions.  In that post, I asked what draws people together, while I believe there is divine intervention at work, I also think we attract people into our lives who are most like us.  There are attributes that appeal to us in others that we have in ourselves.  My friend, Jeff and I are both photographers and tech heads.  That’s what draws us together.

My BEST friend and I have so much in common.  I’m friends with friends her because I see so much of myself in the friendship.
–We both share the same spirituality.
— We both do what we say and say what we do.
–We’re responsible.
–We are both extremely motivated, and we both go out of our way to help anyone.
Because of all these shared attributes we keep each other in check.

Who are YOUR friends?  Why do you feel drawn to the people you’re drawn too?  You probably have many of the same attributes in yourself.  We’re all mirrors.  We all reflect back what we are.  Our friends are drawn to us for the same reason.  They see something in us what they have in themselves.  Yes, there is divine manipulation at work too, but we only attract what we see around us.  Ahhhh, there’s that tricky Law of Attraction creeping back.  See?  It’s like I always maintain.  Law of Attraction is working even when you don’t give it a second thought.

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to everyone!


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