It’s a way of being that affects the quality the day — that actually you can develop, that you can hone.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

The first time I heard Jon Kabat Zinn’s name I was sitting in The Madison Beanery, that community center in Madison, Connecticut where all my friends would meet at whatever time day or night.  It was my favorite place to have coffee and sit around and talk for hours.  My friend, Jeff mentioned Zinn’s name when he spoke of a class he took with Zinn where Jeff and several other students had to walk in a tight circle while looking down at the ground.  It was an exercise in meditation.

A few days later being the good librarian that I am, the researcher that I am, I discovered that Jon Kabat Zinn was influential in the meditation field.  Zinn has been an influence in my life and thanks to Jeff I discovered who Zinn was early enough that I’ve been able to use him here in my blog.

What does the quote:
It’s a way of being that affects the quality the day mean to me?  It screams Law of Attraction!  (LOA) One of basic tenets of LOA is what you believe will arrive.  Returning to the quote above you can clearly see LOA at work.  I responded to my blogger friend Debra El Ramey’s blog:
Pure and Simple
’s recent column The Still Point when she asked:
when your world shifted and you headed in a different direction?
This is what I said:
My world shifted when I discovered Law of Attraction, when I was able to put a name to something I’d been unknowingly practicing my entire life. Discovering Law of Attraction (LOA)deepened and strengthened my faith, my spirituality.

In November, 2008 I took Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret DVD home from my library. That’s where I discovered Law of Attraction. (LOA) Now when I look back, I see that movie as an introduction. I see The Secret as my Nursery School, a very simplistic approach to all LOA can do for you. We’re all different and we all have different ways of approaching faith and spirituality. I see LOA and all it says as an extension of God and his law. If you really study LOA and compare it with what your faith says, you’ll see how similar they are. So I thank the process for bringing me closer to my faith.

I find it fascinating how many well known authorities in the spiritual/self help movement have been and are still discussing Law of Attraction.  They were doing so even before there was a name for the movement.  Jon Kabat-Zinn is only one such person.  It isn’t that long a walk from LOA to mediation after all.  All these authorities, all these subjects coming together further proves my point that everything is connected.  We simply have to see the connections.  How do we see them?

Everybody repeat after me:
We must take our spiritual blinders off!

Be Well!  Be Positive!  Be Happy!
Blessings to you.


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