Welcome to another “Saints Monday.”
Today we will discuss Saint Thomas Aquinas:

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I clearly understand that I throw around quotes here at Wisdom and Life often and I return to some of those quotes often.  The reason is that I feel so strongly about them.  I never put anything here unless what I write holds deep meaning for me.  With that said, and this being “Saints Monday” today I’ll be discussing Saint Thomas Aquinas.  I’ve written about him before mostly in relation to one of my favorite quotes he is attributed with:
To one who has faith


Saint Thomas is so much more than that quote however.  He was a priest and a doctor and surprisingly, something I didn’t know, Saint Thomas was the Patron Saint of universities.  He knew from an early age that he wanted to devote his life to the church.  Some members of his own family were so opposed to the profession he chose that they “sent an impure woman to tempt him.”


All for naught however.  I’ve seen determination work in my own life as well.  When someone sets their mind at something, typically any meddling one does in changing the course of a life ends in disappointment for the meddler.  In fact meddling sometimes causes a doubling down on the desired end.  That’s what happened in my own life.  When I was faced with discourse over my own goals and was told:
You can’t do that.


I was more determined than ever to prove that I could do that.  Telling anyone no is typically a biggest motivator anyone can give.  Sometimes, simply out of anger of being told you can’’t do something you will do it.  I wonder if Saint Thomas doubled down himself when faced with opposition from his family.  After studying  Saint Thomas for this column, I found that he and I share some similar traits.

–He was kind of quiet, letting the written word speak for him.
–His faith was very strong as can be seen from one of my favorite quotes that his referenced above:

To one who has faith…


That’s where I was first introduced to him.  Once I realized Saint Thomas was responsible for that quote, I did a bit more research about him.  I’m a huge research buff, especially when I find one thing that I resonate with, be it about a person or a subject.  If something turns me on, I’ll be off and running digging up everything I can find about the topic.


Saint Thomas seems to have had the same thirst for knowledge as he was appointed to teach in the city of Cologne.  Being a doctor as well, requires a continuing “thirst for knowledge.”  One of the things I discovered about him was that he was unable to finish a project he’d been working The Summa Theologica is Saint Thomas at his best.  In the work, he has shown the way find God.  Written in three parts, he was unable to finish the last part as he passed before completion, leaving the project unfinished.


My first thought upon reading that he left it unfinished before realizing the reason was the story of Persian Rugs, that the weavers left a blemish in each rug they created because nothing can be perfect in the earthly realm.  There is ONLY one who is perfect.


When I discovered that Saint Thomas passed before completing the work, a whole other set of events were set in motion and I understood that it wasn’t purposeful that the work was left unfinished.


Miracles of Saint Thomas:
The most famous miracle of Thomas’ life happened while he was kneeling before a crucifix (a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross). As Thomas prayed and stared at the crucifix, it glowed with light and Jesus came alive on it, Thomas later reported. Then Jesus said to Thomas: “You have written well of me, Thomas. What reward would you desire?” and Thomas replied: “Nothing, Lord. I’m just doing it for You.”

When Thomas’ brothers in his religious order came into the chapel, they witnessed Thomas levitating — miraculously suspended in the air while caught up in an intense spiritual experience. Thomas returned to the ground when it was over and told the brothers about what had happened.

My reason for choosing Saint Thomas today is because I feel so deeply that his famous quote that I will write here in full has made such a lasting impact on me that I have it embedded in my memory:
“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”

This so describes my worldview.  For myself, no explanation IS necessary.

–I believe; because there is no choice.
I believe; because I’ve seen too much.
I believe; because no explanation is needed.

Do you believe?

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


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