I’m sure we all have the tendency sometimes to think:
Woe is me.

We wouldn’t be human otherwise. The trick here is to get to the other side. You can train yourself to get to the other side in a timely manner but you MUST be diligent in your training. Those of you who know me well, rarely see me in Wallowing Mode. That’s because I generally give myself one day to wallow and I try to do so away from people. I understand now that vibrations rub off on everyone and if I feel myself sinking to the wallowing pit I usually separate myself.

There’s no use in having a pity party. Most of the time I can work myself out of a funk and that’s because I’ve trained myself well. I ask for help when I need it. I’m not above reaching out because I know that I have friends who care. I’ve made a conscious effort to surround myself with people who understand the path I’m on now and when I need help, I REALLY need help.

My friends understand if I pull away it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with them. It’s that I need time to work through whatever issue I’m having at that time. They also know that if I reach out it’s because the challenge I’m facing is too big to resolve alone.

How do you react to challenges?
How long do you give yourself to wallow?
Who do you turn to when your own challenge is to big to face alone?

Be Happy! Be Well! Be Positive!


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