The problem with putting God in a box is it leads to trying to squeeze those around you into the same box & if they resist they are labeled as outsiders. Some people find security & the illusion of control inside a box. History has proven at some point many outgrow the box… then often mistake outgrowing the box with resenting the box. I no longer resent the box because it was a necessary part of my spiritual growth.
From my friend, Joshua Guild
Posted on his Facebook Wall
May 25, 2011
I’ve written about this here before, but we all need to be reminded now and then. God is everywhere. God is love. God doesn’t hate anyone. That’s why I feel so adamant and get angry when I see the conservative movement tell us that God hates a particular segment of the population. God doesn’t make mistakes. I’ll say it again. God loves everyone. God IS love!
The first line here is AMAZING:
The problem with putting God in a box is it leads to trying to squeeze those around you into the same box & if they resist they are labeled as outsiders.
God doesn’t belong in a box.
What happens when we squeeze HIM into perception? He doesn’t fit, does he? That’s why everyone has different thoughts of what HE is. It is so obvious to me that the solution is to embrace our differences and find commonalities.
We all believe in the SAME God.
We all pray to the SAME God.
Yes there are differences. I’m not denying that. If we can find what we share in common and embrace those thoughts as well as our differences our disagreements will fade into the background and we will find what God wants from us:
It CAN be done but like with anything worth acquiring, it will take work on all sides. Stop finding what’s wrong with a particular segment of society and look for what’s right with it. As with The Law of Attraction:
We see what think.
Our thoughts become our reality
If we see hatred that’s what we’ll sow.
If we see danger in every step we take, then danger WILL show up at our every step.
Why not Pivot?
Instead of looking for hatred, find the love.
Instead of seeing danger, why not find safety?
God doesn’t belong in a box. He won’t fit. Don’t force HIM into your perceptions.
Be Happy! Be Well! Be Positive!
Blessings to Everyone.