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Fahrenheit Books best selling author

For the Love of Block Island the sequel to Arrivals and Departures has been delayed until September/October 2024
Arrivals and Departures has now become a world wide seller.

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C. Jennings Penders

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C. Jennings Penders has been writing since he was in grammar school. Playing around with five hand written novels in the early 1980s, he always carried a pen and notebook wherever he traveled.

He joined his first writing group in 1989, and began seeing his short stories appear in the small press SF/F magazines in the early 1990s. In 2010 he stopped writing fiction and started a spiritual blog called Wisdom and Life.

Fiction called again in 2016-2017 and he he started writing about Block Island, one of his favorite places. Arrivals and Departures is the culmination of his Block Island fiction. A sequel called For the Love of Block Island completed in January 2022 will be published soon. C. Jennings completed his fifth book scheduled to be released after For the Love… is a sideways continuation of his Block Island series. This one, called Love is Chaos is set in the neighborhood he grew up in.

He is currently writing a sixth book that takes place where he lives in Madison, Connecticut.

Fiction is Now My Main Squeeze

Last month on July 29, I wrote Fiction is My Mistress.  I have now decided that for the time being, until my new project is complete, I have to put CJPPhotoNews and Wisdom and Life into hibernation.  Up until last November, I didn’t think I would return to writing fiction again.  Now though, […]


Snippets From Random Acts

This column contains Amazon Affiliate Links!   As with last week’s column, Fiction is my Mistress, I’m again sharing snippets from short stories I’ve written in the past and am continuing to write as you read today’s column.   This week I’m sharing snippets from my short story collection: Random Acts: […]


Fiction Is My Mistress

I’m still writing my Block Island stories and I’ll share some fragments from the new story I’m working on at the moment. Image from: Pixabay From Arrivals and Departures: In no particular order, here are four fragments  1.     Sean strolled away then.  He walked to the far end of the […]


Back To Fiction

Last November at my Book Launch, someone in the audience asked if I would ever return to writing fiction  At the time of the event and for years before I’d given up on fiction. I spent my writing time devoted to my two blogs: CJPPhotoNews and Wisdom And Life.     […]
