Let’s Play a Game
The Gratefulness Game
Let’s play a little game here today. I’d like to get some interaction going with my readers. Once in awhile I’ll be putting up a poll or a question to answer. You can do this one of two ways:
1. Email me
2. Comment at my blog.
I’ll go through the emails and post some of the responses. (Don’t worry, I’ll ONLY use your first name and the first letter of your last name.)
Today’s question is:
What are you grateful for today? Give me up to three things.
I’ll start:
1. I’m grateful I understand The Law of Attraction and now have a name for this path I’ve been on for as I can remember.
2. I’m grateful for my unshakable faith.
3. I’m grateful that because I now follow the Law I understand that I’m right where I’m supposed to be and I no longer worry about how my life will turn out. I know that I’m taken care of.
This can help you get in a positive state and stay there.