A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.

Thomas Merton

All or nothing?
What do you think?

I understand what Thomas Merton is implying here.  Being who I am, however, I have a bit of a challenge with the all or nothing attitude.  There are always shades of grey.  I CAN say though from own experience that I do see everything as divine, I do see everything as spiritual.; so it is possible I spoke a bit too soon here.  Thomas Merton is someone I connect with on a deep level because he shared some of the same traits that I do in spiritual thought.  Along with the fact that Merton sees everything as divine as do I, there are several other examples of our similar beliefs. According to Wikipedia:
By the 1960s, he had arrived at a broadly human viewpoint, one deeply concerned about the world and issues like peace, racial tolerance, and social equality.

Another feature of Merton’s life that resonates with me is the fact that he studied other religious beliefs.  I’ve always felt that Religion and Spirituality should be one of choice.  It would appear that Merton believed this as well.

–As long as you have a spiritual faith I don’t really think it matters much what you believe.
–As long as you believe in the Divine and you live your life with respect and with love for the Divine, I believe you will find peace, you will find salvation.  Every religion feels as if they have the answer.

Why can’t that be true?
Why does one religion have the key and one doesn’t?
Why can’t all religions be right?
Why does there have to be exclusion?

Isn’t religion supposed to bring people together?  That’s what Merton seems to believe.

What do you believe?

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


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