But curse is a funny word, ain’t it, I mean back in the old days ladies who got their periods called ‘em curses, right?  Only those curses brought life.  So I looked up the absolute definition of curse in the dictionary and look what I found:
The cause of great harm, evil, or misfortune; that which which brings evil or severe affliction; torment.

So like I said.  It’s a funny sort of word.  I mean, if you take the word curse of the definition above and replace it with love it means the same damn thing, don’t it?  Let’s try.


The cause of great harm, evil, or misfortune; that which which brings evil or severe affliction; torment.


Now let’s try another one, because it’s what I’m getting at

The cause of great harm, evil, or misfortune; that which which brings evil or severe affliction; torment.


[easyazon_link identifier=”1250015537″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]The Witch of Belladonna Bay[/easyazon_link]

Suzanne Palmieri
Page 344


As I read the above passage from …Belladonna Bay I was struck by how much truth truth the words carried.  It led me once again down the path of knowing that the words we choose affect our daily lives.


The three words above truly CAN have interchangeable definitions and until I read them that way I never gave that any thought.  I suppose love CAN be a curse if it isn’t reciprocated in the way one person gives it.  However, knowing what I now understand, the best way to love is to give it without any expectation.

–Love without expectation.
–Live with joy.
–Transition with abundance.


Transition with abundance?  You say.  What does that mean?

It means when you transition you want to have all the intangibles:
–The love of friends and family


Abundance isn’t financial.


If you have read Wisdom and Life for some time you’ll certainly be aware that I’ve removed several words from my lexicon for the very reason that words do indeed influence our behavior and our thoughts.

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!

Blessings to you.



Once you realize that life is eternal,

That our souls our eternal,

That we return to light and physical over and over;


We then lose all our distress

We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

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