I need creativity in my life to help me cope with life’s challenges.


Christopher Jennings Penders


Said by myself about a month ago to a frequent library patron.  I’ve always felt my creative output has helped me deal with emotional debris that flutters around me from time to time.  It’s why when I felt bullied, I retreated to my safe place:
In front of my computer writing my dark fantasy.  


Being creative helps me when I’m feeling low


Image from:

Why concentrate on dark fantasy?  Because I was in a dark period when I wrote fiction.  All that turmoil had to come out some way and writing was I chose to expel that energy.  It came out as dark fantasy.


As I said in Writing Saved My Life I can distinctly recall spending time in my bedroom writing for what I felt was a matter of minutes but realized hours had gone by when I looked back at the number of pages I’d written.  Being in the flow helped me cope.  When I’m feeling low, my creativity raises me up.  I’m sure my fellow writers and artists will agree.


The same can be said for being behind my camera.  Nothing makes me happier then when I’m in front of my computer, banging on my keys and watching the blank white screen fill with words, or being behind my camera scanning the horizon for that one scene.  It’s when I don’t spend time working creatively that my emotional life spirals out of control and I can become stressed more easily,


Being artistic helps many people cope with life’s challenges.  I’m grateful that I have the ability to cope using my art. Not everyone can release the stress in this way.  Not only do I release stress but I’m also fortunate that what I create can also help others.


What do you do to reduce your own negative energy?


Be Happy!  Be Well! Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;
We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

5 thoughts on “Creativity and Coping

  1. Marge Cohen

    God bless you, Chris!

  2. Jean wise

    Creativity makes me feel alive. And rooted too. Good thoughts herevto reflect Chris. Thanks!

  3. Martha Orlando

    Writing is definitely a stress reliever for me, Chris. I believe we are the closest to God when we are being creative.

  4. Dick Sederquist

    Hi Chris,
    Hiking saved my life. Writing continues to save my life.
    My favorite self quote, “Creating creates creativity.” The act of writing creates more inspiration to write. I too lose track of time sometimes when I’m in the writing groove.

  5. Megan Jerrard

    Totally agree that being artistic helps many people cope with life’s challenges – that’s why I’m always so disheartened when I hear of public funding being cut for arts programs in schools these days. Creative pursuits are often the best way to calm anxiety, re-center and de-stress. Thanks for this post!

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