What We Do Is For Eternity
Think about it—-we are here for such a short time, yet what we do here is for eternity. Heaven is our final home, and while we can’t take gold bullion or anything else with us, we can send some things on ahead. The love we lavish on those in need will yield results that last forever. So let’s marinate folks in love.
We ARE here for such a short time. I agree with that sentiment. In my opinion, however, this quotation seems to imply that we are only here once. If that is indeed the implication, I don’t believe that. But then anyone who knows me and/or has been following this blog understands my belief system, that I believe we all come back over and over.
I like the next passage:
while we can’t take gold bullion or anything else with us,
I can’t help but think of the Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. Isn’t that what they thought? That you COULD take your possessions with you? Maybe you could then. Maybe you can now. If we can send some things on ahead, why can’t we send others?
I agree that love is an eternal gift and one we should give freely, even to those who don’t deserve it. If you can give love when hate and anger is easier, you’ll be a better person. You’ll find your world will change. And after all isn’t that what we all want; a peaceful loving world view?
Be Happy! Be Well! Be Positive!