Melissa Spivey shared this amazing story Man hugs doctors after seeing face transplant in mirror yesterday on Twitter.

Tina G. in Madison, Connecticut facilitates A Happiness Club at the EC Scranton Library on the last Wednesday of every month.  Two nights ago, Tina’s guest was Heather Hansen O’neill.  One of the stories Heather shared was Paying it Forward.  No NOT the movie, but the experience of paying it forward.  The story she shared is this:
Your task in this experience is to have a Pay it Forward   Bracelet.  You’re supposed to find someone to help, and once you’ve given that help, you take the bracelet off your arm and give it to the person you helped, telling that person to find someone else to help and give the bracelet to that person and so on.

So what does this have to do with the article above?  Even though bracelets didn’t play a role in the above article, organ donation is the ultimate in paying it forward. Can you imagine the selflessness one must have to give that kind of help to someone you don’t even know?  Close your eyes for a moment and consider the sheer joy in knowing that you helped someone walk again, that you helped someone see again.  As I’m fond of saying and as many of you know I’m fond of saying:
We’re all here to help each other, to give our selves, our love unconditionally without any expectation in return.

If we can reach that point in our own lives where we can offer our assistance, our friendship, our guidance without any expectation of receiving anything in return, that will likely move us forward in our soul’s evolution.

The goal of our incarnations here is to move up the soul’s ladder and get closer to Source.  If we can continually improve other people’s lives by paying it forward we will certainly help ourselves as well.  You simply can’t help someone else without feeling gratitude yourself.

Are you feeling down?
Are you feeling left out?
Are you feeling as if you don’t matter?

Reach out to someone you don’t know.
Give them your best biggest smile.
Leave them feeling joy.

How do you feel after giving them a gift?
I bet that feeling of hopelessness has dissipated.

That’s because giving something precious of yourself is the best way to find your own joy.
Give something of yourself when you’re feeling down and surely joy will fill your heart and soul.
Pay it forward and what you give will return exponentially.

Wednesday afternoon before I went to the Happiness Club in Madison I took a trip with my friend, Howard to the Wadsworth Antheneum in Hartford, Connecticut.  As we stepped out of Howard’s car a man walked up to me, he was clearly distraught, most likely homeless.  He came up to me and spoke, barely above a whisper.  Embarrassed to be in this situation, he asked if I had change I could give him.  He needed to return to Stamford.  Without even considering it, I reached into my wallet and gave him a ten dollar bill.  You should have seen his face light up.

Oh no, he said.  That’s too much.  I smiled back and told him I would have spent more on tickets and lunch today but I have a free pass into the museum and my lunch was paid for.  I once more placed the bill in his hand.

The man smiled at me and said, Bless you.  He walked way then, hopefully with a little more confidence that not everyone will turn away from someone who needs help.  I did my part by paying it forward.

What have you done today to pay it forward?
Are you an organ donor, much like the anonymouse person who helped the person in the article above receive a new face?
Will you offer a gift to someone today in need?
What can you do to pay it forward today?

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


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