Was watching a recap of The Baltimore Ravens Game on Sunday, January 6 and there was Ray Lewis surrounded my cameras all around. The shirt he wore proclaimed Psalm 91
Now I watch a lot of football. It seems to me that Football and Spirituality/Religion walk the same path. Maybe it is because Football is played on the most sacred day of the week?
That may play a role in the significance Spirituality plays in the sport; however I don’t think it’s the only reason. Too many players invoke God be it after a game is over during the game. I’m thinking here of Tim Tebow when he used eye black to paint in John 3:16.
After re-reading Psalm 91 on Sunday evening and knowing what I know of Ray Lewis I certainly understand why he reveres this psalm. Some may cringe when we see religion brought into a public realm such as football but I think that’s only because we tend to view religion through organized religion’s prism. For some of us, organized religion is not where we are at the moment and because this is the case, we may want to turn away from such public acts.
Psalm 91 says:
The Lord is my refuge.
The Lord can be your refuge. But you must seek him out. You must make an effort. He will not come to you. You must go to him. Once you do, he will be by your side always.
Psalm 91 also says:
He will command his angels concerning you
To guard you in all your ways.
I especially like that passage as it seem to indicate Guardian Angels as is written directly in the psalm. I certainly do believe we all have Guardian Angels. They are all around us. We only have to tap into them and know how to.
Before I discovered Law of Attraction and found it was just another path to Spirituality, I would find myself cringing at public displays of Spirituality. Now that I understand it was because I was associating those displays with Organized Religion, which for me doesn’t fit.
If you know anything at all about me, you should know that I am extremely spiritual.
I believe in God.
–The God I believe in is not fire and brimstone, not vengeful, not to be feared.
–The God I believe in is one of love, peace, compassion.
–Whenever I use the word God, it is that God, God as I understand him.
I have learned to separate Spirituality from Organized Religion.
I have learned to separate God from Organized Religion.
I have a much deeper relationship with the Divine, with Spirituality, with God as a result.
This is my path.
This is my paradigm.
I’m not saying this path is for everyone, because I clearly see the benefits to Religion. They are not my benefits however.
What are your thoughts?
What do you believe?
Be Happy! Be Well! Be Positive!
Blessings to you.
Peter Saling
I believe God is unconditional love and forgiveness who we must cling to no matter what even when we do not understand.