I bet you’re scratching your head wondering what the heck Ethereal Physics is.  At the moment I’m writing this column on Wednesday, March 19 (See?  I really DO write in advance.) my new book exchange friend and really old friend in general recommended a book called [easyazon_link identifier=”0345531434″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]Trespassing on Einstein’s Lawn.[/easyazon_link]Trespassing Einstein.JPG


She seems to feel the book is in my wheelhouse.  I’ve learned to take her at her word because she has yet to steer me wrong.  Let’s call her Joan.


Joan and I have been friends for several years and only recently have we begun book talks.  I’ve recommended books to her and she has returned the favor.  This most recent book is on hold for me at my library and I’m doing everything in my willpower not to order it in an eBook.  I so want to read it after Joan’s recommendation and after reading the concept online.  It is definitely in my wheelhouse.  Joan recommended The Modern Book of the Dead.  So you can clearly see she knows my VERY well.


Alright.  So that’s a little backstory.  So last week I received a text from her:
ETHEREAL PHYSICS.  I believe that’s your home address.  That’s the ultimate–I think Einstein had you in mind.


So I’m going to take a stab at what I think ethereal physics is without having read Trespassing… yet.  If you look at both words separately, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary,
in heaven

: resembling heaven : seeming to belong to another world
: very delicate

Full Definition of ETHEREAL


a :  of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
b :  celestial, heavenly
c :  unworldly, spiritual


Physics according to Merriam Webster:
a science that deals with matter and energy and the way they act on each other in heat, light, electricity, and sound

Full Definition of PHYSICS


:  a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions


Let me attempt to clear up any misconceptions about my paradigm:
I believe God created this entire universe we exist in
I also believe Science plays a HUGE role in creation
I believe evolution happens over long periods of time
And I believe God plays a role in everything

Science and Spirituality can and do coexist.  You can’t have one without the other.  Thus:
Ethereal Physics


Joan is correct.  Looking at both words individually, then melding them into a phrase:
Ethereal Physics IS my home address!

Understanding that she received this notion from reading Trespassing on Einstein’s Lawn is making it extremely challenging NOT to:
A) Order the hardcopy from the bookstore.
B) Order the eBook

I will wait as patiently as I POSSIBLY can for the copy of the book to come through the library service.

Addendum as of April 4, 2014:
I couldn’t wait for the book at the library.  After devouring the 50 some odd preview pages on my iPad I went ahead and purchased the book.  Man, I simply can’t put the book down.  I’m almost half way through and I will be so sad when I finish the book.  It is exceptional.

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;

We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

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