Living in New England in the middle of winter can be quite the challenge if you don’t have the right attitude.  If there is one thing about New England winters that distress me more than anything else, it isn’t the cold.  Although, the bitter cold does cause me some concern.  It’s the early dark that causes me the most anguish.  That’s why if I have to choose a time for it to be, I will choose January over August.


Image from:



I can see some of you scratching your heads wondering why I would choose the bitter cold of January over the warm summer evenings of August.  Here’s why:
In August, the daylight hours are decreasing.  If I must choose between cold and longer daylight and warm and shorter daylight, you better believe I want longer daylight.



One reason this is the case is that I’m no longer comfortable driving in the dark.  So because we are now in January in New England, things are looking up, things are getting better.  When I leave work at five pm, I can still see the sky.  I can still see the street without aid of headlights and streetlights.


We also start seeing warmer weather and flowers start blooming as well such as the Star Magnolia outside the EC Scranton Memorial Library

Image from:
CJP Photos













And it will only improve as the months move forward.  Then comes Sunday, March 8, when we turn the clocks and spring forward.


Woo Hoo!


Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.



Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;


We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

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