
The author has 919 posts

A Look Back

Nine years ago, I started writing Wisdom and Life.  So hard to believe it’s been nine years since this blog has existed.   Image from: Thought it would be fun to read my initial post from May 30, 2010: Starting another […]


Memorial Day 2019

A repeat performance! As today is Memorial Day my usual column will be postponed.  Memorial Day should be a day of remembrance.  When you see someone in the US Military this week, make sure you thank them for their service.   Image from: […]


The Color Blue

As I started to get ready for work one day in February, I grabbed a sweater.  I then started going through all the sweaters I own and realized how much I am drawn to the color blue.  Over three quarters of the […]


Easter Monday

As is always the case, when my blog falls on a holiday, I interrupt my regularly scheduled routine and write about that specific holiday.  Since yesterday was Easter Sunday and by some semblance, today is Easter Monday it is time again to […]
