TIP OF THE DAY: It’s not the situation… It’s your reaction to the situation. It is not the action or words of others, it is your reaction to those actions or words. Always finding yourself on the defensive or being offended by others? You can’t change other people, you can only change your reaction to them. Pause and take a moment to figure out why you are reacting that way.

Wednesday, Feburary 23, 2011

There are definitely themes that I write about consistently on Wisdom and Life.
–Life and Death and my strong belief in Reincarnation
–Staying positive when negative is all around.
–Pivoting. (Changing your attitude to reflect your personality)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned while on this path of self discovery, it’s that no matter how hard you try, you simply cannot change someone else and their behavior.  Attempting to do so is like continuing to walk into a brick wall.  Does it hurt the wall when you hit it time and again?

No!  It only hurts you!  That was a difficult lesson for me to learn and it took me many many years.  I’ve put the above message to work in my personal life and my work life. Everything DID change once I put this into practice.  The trick here is to continue practicing these things.

For some of us, when see the improvement we think, well, gee that was easy and we stagnate.  We don’t continue practicing.  Then we wonder why things have slipped back to our old paradigm.  It’s because we we stopped doing what’s best for us.  In order to stay focused on the positive, it is imperative that we never stop improving, never stop doing the things that got us where are.

Always remember your reaction to something is a reflection.  You can’t change what other people do, but if you change your reaction to the circumstances, your whole life will will change!

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!


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