Welcome to the second Health and Fitness Monday. Today I will be discussing the [easyazon_link identifier=”B000WJIC3G” locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]Neti Pot[/easyazon_link].
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The link above is the neti pot that I own. Purchase directly from the Amazon link here and I will benefit. I researched them before I purchased one. A friend of mine had recommended I use one and it has really helped me. My nose was broken long ago in a sledding accident, and I believe that has led to the fact that I’m very nasal. I always thought that I’d have to live with this. Fortunately, my friend noticed my congestion and told me about the neti pot.
I’ve been using one for two years now and I can honestly say it is the only thing that has helped clear my congestion. I’ve used every allergy medicine I could get my hands on and nothing seemed to do the job.
I’ve recently become very cognizant of what I put in my body, from the types of food I eat to what i take to get better. As far as meds go I avoid using anything that will mask pain. I’d rather be healthy and being healthy means looking for alternative means, looking for the underlying cause of my illness and treating it naturally. Thus the neti pot. Thus yoga to treat my lower back pain.
Be Happy! Be Well! Be Positive!
Blessings to you.