Saint Rose of Lima.

The last in my Saints Monday Theme
Image from:

Isabel as was Rose’s given name was born in 1856.  Rose, as she is known because everyone who looked upon her saw only beauty wanted from an early age to give her life to Jesus.  Her parents unsuccessfully attempted to marry her off; the only time she disobeyed her parent’s wishes.  


She said her love of Jesus was stronger than her love of everything else.  In fact when Rose spoke of Jesus it was said that her face glowed and her eyes sparkled.


Rose worked hard to provide for her parents and as stated above the only time she didn’t follow her parent’s advice was when they wanted her to marry.  To stop the pressure from family to have her marry, Rose joined an order of nuns, the Third Order of St. Dominic.


Miracles of Saint Rose:.
–It was at this time that perhaps the most spectacular of Rose’s miracles occurred when Dutch pirates invaded Lima’s harbor and defeated the Peruvian fleet. Due to the Reformation, they intended not only to loot the city but also to desecrate the churches. The women, children and religious of Lima took refuge in the churches. In the church of Santo Domingo, Rose stirred them all to prayer. It is said that as pirates burst into the church, they were confronted with the terrifying spectacle of a young girl ablaze with light, holding a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament. They turned away and fled to their ships, which sailed away.
Nashville Dominican


–In order to defeat the machinations of the enemies of her purity, she resolved to put on the habit of the third order of Saint Dominic. This determination was confirmed by two miracles. She doubted of her vocation and had some intention of entering the monastery of the Incarnation, where the nuns were anxiously expecting her; but before setting out, she went to bid farewell to our Blessed Lady in the Chapel of the Rosary, belonging to the Convent of Saint Dominic. She remained on her knees at prayer for a considerable time at the foot of the altar; and when she had finished her prayer, she tried to rise, but could not succeed. She called her brother to aid her, who pulled her violently by the hand, without being able to stir her from the spot. She immediately understood this to be an intimation from Heaven, that she was not to leave Saint Dominic; and no sooner had she, come to a resolution not to prosecute her design, and to return home, than she was able to rise and leave the Chapel without difficulty.
Catholic Forum


Upon researching Saint Rose, I came across a piece of information about her that I connected with:
When she faced a challenge, whether a sickness or something else, Rose use to pray: “Lord, increase my sufferings, and with them increase Your love in my heart.”


This is something I believe as well.  Maybe not in the same way that Saint Rose expresse it.  However, when we are given many challenges in our lives, I DO believe it is because the Divine/God/Spirit understands that we are stronger than we know.  And the challenges that are given to us our simply that:

And just what IS a challenge?


Merriam-Webster defines challenge as:
: to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties.


We are presented challenges to help us improve, to help us move forward.  It’s why I’m convinced of the theory of past lives.  My own theory for past lives and reincarnation is simple:
We come back again and again to learn from our past challenges.  Each time we learn from a past challenge we move further up that spiritual ladder.  Our ultimate goal is to reach a point where we can decide for ourselves if we want to continue returning.


Saint Rose of Lima and those who have reached sainthood before and after her have reached the ultimate goal.  They can now stay with God for all eternity.


As I said at the top of this column, this is the last in my Saints Monday theme.  I hope you enjoyed this theme and I hope you learned some interesting information.  I know I did,  Look for a new Theme Monday coming soon.  If anyone has a recommendation I’ll be more than happy to take anything under advisement.  The only caveat I have is that the theme stay central to topics I’ve written about in the past.

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


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