If you are being swept into some current that is not comfortable, or not in harmony with your desire, you must remember that couldn’t happen if you weren’t offering a vibration that matched it in some way. If you’re vibrating differently from that, you’re not having that experience


–Has anyone ever attempted to convince you that you did something wrong, when you know deep in your soul that you did not?
–Have you ever taken what they said as fact?


Well I’m here to tell you that until you know ALL the facts don’t take one person’s comments to heart.  As Abraham Hicks says above however, we also have to look within ourselves:
If you weren’t offering a vibration similar to the outcome of your event then you wouldn’t be in the storm in the first place.


I THINK what Abraham is saying is that we are all complicit in some way in anything that happens in our circle of influence, be it positive or negative.  If you believe you have done something that you feel badly about, then own up to it.  The MOST important thing to know here is though that if you are involved in a negative dynamic, you must be offering something to the same degree.

Image from:

But the last thing you want is to continue that vibration so what you need to do is release it as quickly as possible.  How to do that?

It’s just as I said above.  If you EVEN think you are somewhat complicit, you MUST reach out and apologize.  Release the negative from around you.  What the other person does after that is their issue.  


You just don’t want to carry that negativity around with you.  And don’t let anyone convince you that you’ve done something wrong without having all the facts.  I’ve seen it happen many times that someone is convinced that another is guilty when it was all in the original person’s head.


Remember in previous columns I’ve written about Transference?  Sometimes I have to wonder if there is some kind of backward transference happening when this kind of thing goes on.  All I can say is:
Don’t play the game!


I will say a final time however that if you EVEN consider yourself complicit in ANY way be sure to take accountability and move on.  Remember we are all complicit in some way.  If we weren’t vibrating at that frequency then we wouldn’t be vibrating at that frequency.  What you must decide is:
Is it because you are around a particular event or people and those people or that event is vibrating at a lower frequency than you are?


If that’s the case you have to decide if they are important to you.  If so, then you need to surround yourself can act as buffer; people who you can turn to when the lower frequency starts affecting your well being.  If your buffers can’t join you then call on them after your event.  If they are truly your friends they will let you vent to them.


Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!

Blessings to you.



Once you realize that life is eternal,
That our souls our eternal,
That we return to light and physical over and over;


We then lose all our distress
We then lose all our fear of dying.  For there truly is no end.

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