I started doing yoga last summer to help alleviate some back pain I was experiencing. I stopped in the fall. I don’t know why I stopped; guess I just got lazy. I’ve worked my way back. Now I’m doing it at least […]
Do you worry? About your financial status? About your health? About life in general? Is your emotional cup half full or half empty? I’m here to tell you to stop! You are blessed from the moment you arrive in this physical form. […]
Do you remember growing up and your family telling you you weren’t studying enough? You weren’t applying yourself? If you didn’t do well, how did expect to get into college? Did you want to spend your life pumping gas? I’m sure we […]
As in did Chris go off…? LOL Some of you who’ve known me for many years may well think so. This journey I’m on though didn’t happen overnight; and if you’ve been a part of my circle of friends for awhile, you […]
I feel like I short changed my readers yesterday by not posting something relevant to me, so I’m kind of making up for it today. My original intention for this blog was going to be a Monday through Friday posting and taking […]
I am not a religious person in the least. Organized religion is not how I practice communication with MY God/Source/Higher Power. Etc. I speak to my God ALL the time. I feel blessed in everything I have, everything I do and everything […]
The eternal question: Why are we are? My answer is simple. We’re here to learn, to grow, to forgive, to move on. Life is an education. In grade school if we fail we are held back to learn the lesson we didn’t […]