Bet you’re asking: What are abundance checks? I’ll tell you. Abundance checks are written within 24 hours after a New Moon. You really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You’ll be surprised at the […]
True Blood is one of my favorite shows and I just finished watching season 2 on DVD on Saturday. The eleventh episode contained a tidbit I found fascinating. True Blood Season 2 ep 11 Vampire Queen of Louisiana: “She convinced herself she’s […]
I was discussing this with a friend of mine through email a few days ago. I wanted to reiterate it to everyone. It is very easy for me to sit here and make these pronouncements through my blog saying if you enact […]
The only way to move beyond a perceived hurt is to forgive the person who hurt you. This can be a difficult resolution to learn, but think about this: Who is the one that is wounded, physically or emotionally? Is it the […]
Another life lesson to learn: You should never feel embarrassed or ashamed by anything that you say or do, as long as your actions come from your heart. How do you know if you what you want to say is emanating from […]
Staying positive in the face of negativity is a difficult thing to do but if you can master the goal, your life will be so much more fulfilling. As I mentioned in a previous post, if you can throw positive statements at […]
I started doing yoga last summer to help alleviate some back pain I was experiencing. I stopped in the fall. I don’t know why I stopped; guess I just got lazy. I’ve worked my way back. Now I’m doing it at least […]
One of the things I may have written about here and something I know I’ve discussed with my friends who are on this same path with me is that had I known this information when I was growing up, my life would’ve […]
I know I spoke a bit about this the other day, but I felt joy is something we can never discuss enough. Merriam Webster online defines joy as: 1 a : the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by […]
Do you worry? About your financial status? About your health? About life in general? Is your emotional cup half full or half empty? I’m here to tell you to stop! You are blessed from the moment you arrive in this physical form. […]