Here’s an obscure prayer to wrap your head around:
Perhaps I shall return someday

Under each stanza I will attempt to decipher the meaning from my interpretation.  My interpretation will be in Bold.

Perhaps I shall return someday
Once more to stand before this
Valley of the Winds
Perhaps I shall return someday?
Is Raleigh Michael Smith discussing reincarnation?  As in the next stanza he writes the word:
stygian which refers to The River Styx  which is the path to the underworld.

Image from:
Commons Wikipedia

The Valley of the Winds?

Australia.  There also appears to be a Styx River in Australia


And the
Guardian of the Night
will fill my Cup and bid me drink, once again
of stygian nights in half remembered dreams
Sacred Barren Ground.
If we are indeed talking about the mythical River Styx in the fourth line here, I’m guessing the Guardian of the night is the ferryman, Charon.

Image from:

Fill my Cup and bid me drink again:
Staying with the River Styx analogy here, another stop on the way to the underworld is The River Lethe:

All passengers on Charon’s Ferry must stop and drink from The River Lethe, The River of Forgetfulness.


What does all this remind you of?

Perhaps when you cross over, when you transition?  Just before you return?  Upon our return we can NOT recall our previous lives, so we MUST drink from The River of Forgetfulness.


But my heart will still remember those
Ageless Hymns of old.
Which stirred my soul with their
Deeper Truths
and made my spirit bold.
The heart will ALWAYS remember.  There is in that chamber a special place locked off from the rest of ourselves that has a sense of everything that has ever taken place in all of our past lives.  It where, I believe that the feeling of deja vu originates.  Why do you think they say the heart knows?

It is because the heart is the center.
It is because the heart remembers EVERYTHING.

For my task is not to seek some
Higher Ground,
nor make the darkness bright.

It is to walk with Faith amidst the gloom
Undaunted, Unafraid & Undiminished
by the darkness
of the
Our task in each one of our incarnations IS to walk with faith.
There is no reason to fear.
We incarnate each time to understand this.  We DO seek higher ground with each incarnation, but that is NOT the body’s task it is the soul’s task.

raleigh michael smith – 2000

Someone not familiar with Greek Mythology may not be able to see all the similarities it presents to that time period.  Even the Ancient Greeks believed reincarnation occurred as can be seen from this Encyclopedia Britannica article on The River Lethe.


As I’ve said multiple times times at Wisdom and Life:
If there were those that long ago who thought reincarnation is a possibility, there MUST be something to it.

Here is the prayer in full; sans my interpretation:
Perhaps I shall return someday
Once more to stand before this
Valley of the Winds

And the
Guardian of the Night
will fill my Cup and bid me drink, once again
of stygian nights in half remembered dreams
Sacred Barren Ground.

But my heart will still remember those
Ageless Hymns of old.
Which stirred my soul with their
Deeper Truths
and made my spirit bold.

For my task is not to seek some
Higher Ground,
nor make the darkness bright.

It is to walk with Faith amidst the gloom
Undaunted, Unafraid & Undiminished
by the darkness
of the

Be Happy!  Be Well!  Be Positive!
Blessings to you.


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