Wisdom and Life took an extended break from blogging over the Christmas Holiday. I’m back now and will be publishing again EVERY Monday. In January we lost several essential artists to those of us who grew up in early 1970s and […]
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has long been someone I admire. Her work with terminally ill patients has always been commendable and she is best known for her five stages of dying. In her book: Clicking the link below will bring to my Amazon account. […]
Nietzsche says that we will live the same life, over and over again. God – I’ll have to sit through the Ice Capades again. Attributed to Woody Allen Whether we live the SAME life over and over is up for […]
Anyone who knows me in the LEAST, understands that reading is part of who I am. It’s why the last two jobs I’ve had have been book centric. RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, Connecticut and The Scranton Library in Madison, Connecticut. The […]
Last week my friend, Jason Marchi left a comment on Passing in Pairs that made it obvious that the title and some of what I wrote was misinterpreted by him. What I wanted to come across in the column was not that […]
–Princess Diana August 31, 1997 –Mother Teresa September 5, 1997 –Wayne Dyer August 29, 2015 –Oliver Sacks August 30, 2015 On Monday, September 14, a friend of mine mentioned Wayne Dyer’s passing. She then brought up the fact that Oliver […]
This column has been a long time in the making. I’ve discussed my worldview in the past here at Wisdom and Life and how I’ve come to understand God. Uh oh, Chris used the “G” word. When I use the word “God,” […]
Image from: Wikimedia Wayne Dyer transitioned on August 29. He was 75. After discovering Law of Attraction through Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, I quickly realized there was much more to this new worldview I became involved in, that it wasn’t all […]
Today is a bittersweet day: August 17 will always be a difficult day for me. It is three days before my birthday. That’s not why the 17th is so challenging for me however. It is because it is the day my […]
Okay. So please enlighten us how these two things go together, Chris. I bet is what you’re asking. I’ll tell you: Just to make you aware that Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working in the background. You may not even know […]