Friday, February 27 2015: A sad day for me as I discovered that Spock truly wasn’t returning. We can [easyazon_link identifier=”B001XUNQ4S” locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]Search For Spock[/easyazon_link] all we want, but he won’t be found. Not this time. For he is now truly traveling among […]
Some things will always remain a mystery at this level of consciousness, and it is right that they should. So do not try to solve all the mysteries. Give the universe a chance. It will unfold itself in due course. Enjoy the […]
There’s really no way I can get through to her? I asked. Perhaps something will develop in time he said. At the moment, her disbelief is an impassable barrier. [easyazon_link identifier=”0765308703″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]What Dreams May Come: A Novel[/easyazon_link] Richard Matheson Page 175 […]
FIfty one years ago, two days ago on Saturday was President John Kennedy’s last day alive. It’s been said that President Kennedy had a death premonition, writing in 1961: I know there is a God…I’m ready. I often wonder what someone […]
“Everything is cyclical,” Rivers told The Associated Press during a chat last year. “So I just enjoy the good times. And when the bad times come, I know it isn’t forever. It’s happened to me three or four times in my life. […]
My friend, Jason who I mentioned in Monday’s column Water Wheels and Writing is making an encore visit today. We talked on Monday night about Robin Williams apparent suicide. Knowing my worldview has shifted in the twenty plus years he has known me, Jason […]
Tell me: When will we as humanity realize that life is never done. That death is not a reality and that what we don’t accomplish in one incarnation may be finished in our next life? I see so many stressing because […]
This mist, this cloud, this darkness into which we all go, transcending knowledge is the path below which your face cannot be found except veiled; but it is that very darkness which reveals your face is there, beyond all veils. Nicholas […]
But curse is a funny word, ain’t it, I mean back in the old days ladies who got their periods called ‘em curses, right? Only those curses brought life. So I looked up the absolute definition of curse in the dictionary and […]
One of my Google+ friends, ramesh cha: shared Dying Wishes on G+ recently and it so moved me that I felt compelled to write a column about it. I understand as I’ve said here before, that some of you may feel I […]