There are many ways to climb a mountain. There are many ways to worship God. There are many ways to live a life. Allow each person to choose their own path. From the Facebook Application Message From God 09.27.2010 The above quote […]
To go along with one of my early entries here: Being Grateful Another VERY important aspect of the path I’m on now is to ALWAYS remember to say thank you! If something unexpected comes your way: A phone call from a friend. […]
You are being given messages and feedback constantly and you have been receiving these messages all your life. The Power Rhonda Byrne Page 224 For me and everything I believe now and have always believed, messages ARE given to you ALL the […]
Keep looking to God. Keep trusting him. Know that he is leading you to a higher place —Let him. The road may look strange to you. You may even feel lost, or far behind, or confused. But if you follow him, it […]
With all the talk recently about Stephen Hawking’s new book The Grand Design I felt it as good a time as any to discuss how God fits into Science. Can a pure scientist make room for God in his world view? I […]
I listened to Fearless Love a couple days ago. Not just hearing the words and music, but actually taking in the lyrics. Started paying attention after hearing the song Only Love. I don’t know if I’m hearing what I want to hear […]
Nature and writing are my true therapies. They make me want to live. Post Secret Confessions on Life, Death and God Page 90 As those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile now have come to see, I sometimes […]
Was reading this blog entry last night: Living Incognito The two quotes below appeared in the above blog entry: The two quotes at the beginning of the blog stirred strong emotions in me: We have just enough religion to make us hate, […]
One of the initial sources to helping me discover this new path I’m on was my English Professor at Southern Connecticut State University and more specifically her husband. Both have now passed. My English professor first. Cancer. It was after she passed […]
Just a quick entry today. An explanation for where I want to see this blog go from here. My blog is popular with many people and I’d like to satisfy everyone with my entries. I started writing with the intent of discussing […]