My Books

I’m Back

After my two month hiatus, I’m back.  These occasional breaks I take help me recalibrate. I come back reinvigorated to continue writing Wisdom and Life.   Having one weekly column to be responsible for, for the bulk of the summer months is […]


Why Do You Write?

Uh oh! Another column about writing?  Well it is part of who I am. Of all the questions I get the one that most fascinates me is: Why do you write?   Image from: Pixabay   That was an easier question to […]


Independence Day 2018

I know it really isn’t Independence Day today. But then if you follow John Adams and his thought process: See below. Maybe it is   Seeing as we are into the Independence Day week, and even though Monday is not the 4th, […]


Walking And Writing

Several writers I know are walkers.   They walk to break writer’s block. They walk to create inspiration Walking Image from: Pixabay Writing Image from: Pixabay There is a host of data to suggest that walking helps writers break through any creative […]


Blue Light and Sleep

Wisdom and Life typically discusses Spirituality and Law of Attraction.  It’s not the only topic I discuss.  There are a whole plethora of categories at Wisdom and Life.  If you’re interested in other subjects, simply scroll down a bit and look through […]
