Being an example of inner peace is an effective way of expressing your desire to offer inspiration to others. [easyazon_link identifier=”1401912249″ locale=”US” tag=”80010c-20″]Your Ultimate Calling[/easyazon_link] Page 89 Wayne Dyer The EC Scranton Memorial Library has a summer book sale every year […]
Studies show that people who have friends live longer and have fewer illnesses and that a close circle of friends actually helps the immune system work. With this in mind, run, don’t walk, to your nearest neighborhood coffee klatch, church group, political […]
No person is in such darkness as to be completely devoid of divine light. The divine light shines in the darkness and radiates upon all. Saint Thomas Aquinas Christian Mystics: 376 Readings and Meditations Page 86 Image from: Wikimedia I use […]
I bet you’re scratching your head wondering what the heck Ethereal Physics is. At the moment I’m writing this column on Wednesday, March 19 (See? I really DO write in advance.) my new book exchange friend and really old friend in general […]
A little different column today. Today you get to peer into my life a bit more. You get to see what makes this writer tick. Start small. If you try to think about all of it at once—-the world you hope to […]
One of my Google+ friends, ramesh cha: shared Dying Wishes on G+ recently and it so moved me that I felt compelled to write a column about it. I understand as I’ve said here before, that some of you may feel I […]
They alone see truly who see the Lord the same in every creature, who see the deathless in the hearts of all that die. Seeing the same Lord everywhere, they do not harm themselves or others. Thus they attain the supreme goal. […]
I understand that I’ve written extensively about Journey of Souls but the columns I’ve written have all been with quotes from the book. Today will be a bit different. A couple weeks ago Lisa R who I’ve mentioned here previously came into […]
Image from: Ptolemy Tompkins People many times ask me where I discover the books I read. MOST of the time I take advantage of working at my day job at the EC Scranton Memorial Library in Madison, Connecticut. Sometimes as with The […]
Within the last 100,000 years, we find two clear signs of spiritual consciousness and communication. These are burial practices and ritualistic art, as found in carved totems and rock drawings. There is no anthropological evidence that these practices existed on earth before […]